If you can give a week, you
could make a lasting impact

This year why not

Volunteer at an English Bible Camp in Hungary

Each year many churches and organisations run summer camps for kids in Hungary. These are mostly day camps, ie. the kids attend from 8am-4pm for a week.Scripture Union Hungary and other organisations are among those that use English Language teaching to attract children, and rely on native English speakers coming to Hungary to volunteer as English Teachers.You don't need to be a teacher to be able to help out, but it is important that you are:

  • Age 18+, (or 16+ with a parent/guardian)

  • Native English Speaker

  • Committed Christian*

  • Able to arrange own travel to Budapest, Hungary

*You will need to agree to the relevant Statement of Faith depending on which organisation is running the camp

What are the camps like?

Every camp has a different flavour; it depends on the organisation running it, and the local church or school partner, but you can be sure it'll include:

English lessons

Not a boring school lesson; you'll be focussed on speaking/listening skills, incorporating games, songs and making the session engaging for the kids who may be beginners or more advanced.

Bible teaching

Through drama, activities, verse of the day, and other methods, children will hear the good news of Jesus over the course of the week.

Fun and games

Often held outside, these activities are an important way of helping kids play, and develop relationships through both informal and structured games.

How much does it cost?

There's no cost for volunteering at some camps, but some organisations running camps request a contribution of around £150 which covers assessing your application and processing background checks, pre-camp training, and on-camp accommodation and meals.On top of this, you'll need to pay for your own travel to Budapest. If flying, you'll have a choice of many budget airlines from many airports.Eitherway, friends, family or your church may like to contribute towards your trip.

Here are the dates for

2023 Camps

Our partners have camps planned and a need for volunteers for most of the summer weeks. Kids typically attend camps from Monday-Friday but setup and planning starts a day earlier on the Sunday, so it'd be best to travel on the Saturday where possible. Plus you'll probably get time for a bit of sightseeing or exploring the local area.

  • July 2-7

  • July 9-14

  • July 16-21

  • Aug 6-11

What's next?

If after praying about this voluntary opportunity, and if you fulfil the requirements below, please contact us through the form below.We'll discuss which camp(s) might be the best option and then guide you through the application process.It'll then be up the organising charity to assess your application, provide pre-camp training where necessary, and liase with you about travel and logistics.

I am interested in volunteering at a camp

Email us:

Or please help me keep this opportunity to mind, I'll sign up for occasional newsletters


Perhaps you have some questions. That's a good sign! Here's some more information. If you still have any questions, please contact us.


What age do volunteers have to be?Age 18+, no maximum age! Younger volunteers aged 16+ can also help if accompanied by a parent/guardian.
Who can volunteer as an English teacher?Anyone who is a native English speaker and a committed Christian.
Does it matter what church or denomination I belong to?No, these camps are run with a wide range of volunteers.
What about the language?At each camp, most of the Hungarian volunteers have an excellent level of English, so you needn't worry that you won't know what's going on! There's more than just the teaching.
What else will I do beyond teaching?There's plenty to get involved with! Running games and sports, drama, teaching bible memory verses, singing, playing musical instruments, praying, planning and praying.


Do I need to be a teacher?Not at all.
Is there help preparing lessons?Yes, before camp and during with your teammates.
How old are the kids?It varies, generally from age 8-14.
How much teaching is involved?At Scripture Union camps, typically 1 or 2 x 30 minutes per day. At Way of Hope, 3 x 45 minutes per day.


How easy is it to travel to Hungary from the UK?Pretty easy, there's flights from many airports. No need for a visa or pre travel notification, and currently no covid restrictions.
Do I need to arrange travel to the camp?No, the camp organisers will provide transport from Budapest, so you just need to get there.


How much does it cost?It depends which camp organisation you're volunteering with, it ranges from £0 - £150 per week.
Is there any help towards this cost?First, see if friends, family or your church would like to contribute towards covering your costs. If cost is still an obstacle, there may be some help available.
Shall I bring some spending money?Yes, and/or your debit/credit card, which are accepted almost everywhere now. Don't forget although Hungary is in the EU, it's not in the Euro, so you'll need Forint.


Who runs this site?My name's James Wheeler-Mezei. I'm from the UK but live and work in Hungary. I have experience volunteering at both Scripture Union Hungary and Way of Hope Foundation camps. They're a great way of spending a week, having fun, teaching, and sharing the gospel.